Übersetzung für "had scars" auf spanisch
5.4 The complainant further makes reference to a case of the European Court of Human Rights, in which an applicant, who had scars on his body, was found to be in danger of torture upon return, since the Court considered it likely that the airport authorities would detain him, strip search him, discover the scars and conclude that he was a Tamil Tiger.
5.4 La autora se refiere también a una causa del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, en la que se dictaminó que el solicitante, con el cuerpo marcado por cicatrices, corría peligro de ser sometido a torturas a su vuelta al país, dada la probabilidad de que las autoridades aeroportuarias lo detuvieran, sometieran a un registro corporal sin ropa, descubrieran sus cicatrices y concluyeran que se trataba de un Tigre Tamil.
No, she had scars all over her face.
No, tenía cicatrices por toda la cara.
He had scars from acne and oily hair.
Tenia cicatrices de acné y cabello grasoso.
Bowden had scars all over his body.
Bowden tenía cicatrices por todo el cuerpo.
I think he had scars, too.
Creo que también tenía cicatrices.
And another had been broken. And he had scars on his chest.
Tenía cicatrices en el pecho.
He had scars whipped all over as if he'd come from a battle.
Tenía cicatrices por todos lados, como si viniera de una batalla.
Marcus had scars on his hands when they found him, And had slashes across both palms.
Marcus tenía cicatrices cuando lo encontraron, y tenía cortaduras que atravesaban ambas manos.
Dom Novelli had scars like this.
Dom Novelli tenía cicatrices como estas.
She had scars from a burn on his left hand.
Tenía cicatrices de una quemadura en su mano izquierda.
He had scar tissue, like, all over his face where he'd had some bouts with his tiger, Gambi.
Tenía cicatrices por toda la cara, había tenido peleas con su tigre, Gambi.
None of them had scars.
Ninguno de ellos tenía cicatrices.
Had scars on neck and chest.
Tenía cicatrices en cuello y tórax.
Fee had scars on his chest.
—Fee tenía cicatrices en el pecho.
“Well, Rogers had scars on him.”
—Pues bien, Rogers tenía cicatrices.
She had scars on both palms to prove it.
Para probarlo tenía cicatrices en las palmas de las manos.
And most of them had scars that you could play noughts-and-crosses on.
Y la mayoría tenía cicatrices sobre las que uno podía jugar al ta-te-ti.
A couple were missing a limb or an ear. All had scars.
A un par de ellos les faltaba alguna extremidad o una oreja. Todos tenían cicatrices.
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