Übersetzung für "greaseball" auf spanisch
“Not with gasoline, greaseball.”
—Con gasolina no, bola de grasa.
“Fuck yourself, greaseball.”
- Vete a la mierda, bola de grasa.
  "Happy New Year, greaseball."
- Feliz Navidad, bola de grasa.
    'And who's this little greaseball?' Ridpath asked Terry Peters.
–¿Y quién es esta bola de grasa? – preguntó Ridpath a Terry Peters.
You called it down, you Polack greaseball motherfucker.
Tú te lo has buscado, hijo de la grandísima puta, bola de grasa polaca.
"I don't get called a son of a whore by the help, greaseball.
– No permito que los sirvientes me llamen hijo de p… bola de grasa.
That and being called a greaseball must have been deadly insults to him.
Aquello y haber sido llamado bola de grasa, debieron haber sido insultos mortales para él.
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