Übersetzung für "given if" auf spanisch
Given if
He's asking for what my father would've given if he was boss.
Pide lo que mi padre le habría dado si hubiera sido jefe.
Do you realize what the ancient kings of Egypt would have given... if they'd been able to watch themselves wiping their own asses?
¿Te das cuenta lo que los reyes del antiguo Egipto hubieran dado si hubieran podido verse a ellos mismos limpiándose el culo?
Sharpie, what was the advice you would have given if I had been bright enough to consult you?
«Liosa», ¿cuál era el consejo que me hubieras dado si yo hubiera sido lo suficientemente listo como para consultarte?
They had these peculiar wings fitted to their arms and were given orders to jump from the helicopter at a given moment – or else be pushed out,’ said Philip. ‘What happened?’ asked Jack. ‘Sam doesn’t know,’ answered Philip.
Les acoplaron a los brazos esas alas tan raras, y les dieron la orden de saltar del helicóptero en un momento dadosi no querían que repentinamente se les lanzase fuera de un empujón. —¿Qué sucedió? —Sam no lo sabe.
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