Übersetzung für "former lover" auf spanisch
Former lover
OLGA'S ex amante, el multimillonario ANTON MARKOV.
My dance-off opponent was your former lover?
¿Mi oponente es tu ex amante?
- And Dr. Benton is your former lover?
- ¿Y el doctor Benton es su ex amante?
Just your typical terrorist sympathizer former lover.
Sólo tu típica ex amante simpatizante de terroristas.
Former lover recalling the past.
Ex-amante para regresar al pasado.
What, you mean your former lover?
¿Se refiere a su ex amante?
Tilla Morland's former lovers.
Ex amantes de Tilla Morland.
- In Jesper, your former lover?
- ¿En Jesper, tu ex amante?
- Not a former lover but a target?
- ¿No es su ex amante? ¿Su blanco?
A fellow Jew, a former lover?
¿A un judío como tú, a un ex amante?
And Rose Zimmer’s former lover.
Ex amante de Rose Zimmer.
Jemima Hastings was his former lover;
Jemima Hastings era su ex amante;
Here she was with the brother of her lover’s former lover.
Aquí estaba ella con el hermano de la ex amante de su amante.
Are any of his former lovers swinging by their necks?
¿Acaso alguna de sus ex amantes está colgada por el cuello?
“Michael, have you met my friend and former lover, Seamus Holt?”
Michael, ¿conoces a mi amigo y ex amante, Seamus Holt?
There were at least ten of his former lovers amongst the crowd squeezed around the table.
En la multitud que se apretujaba alrededor de la mesa había por lo menos diez ex-amantes suyas.
Fabiola's former lover was Decimus Brutus, but she was currently involved with Marcus Antonius.
El ex amante de Fabiola era Decimus Brutus, pero ahora estaba liada con Marco Antonio.
My ulcer had vanished during the summer, but unlike former lovers, it always came back.
Durante el verano, mi úlcera se había desvanecido pero, a diferencia de los ex amantes, siempre terminaba por reaparecer.
‘Lots of love’ between former lovers was of course less love than ‘love’ alone.
Por supuesto, «muchísimo amor» entre ex amantes significaba menos amor que «amor» a secas.
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