Übersetzung für "for employed" auf spanisch
(share of women employed as % of total employed and structure
(Mujeres empleadas en porcentaje del total de la población empleada
You are in his employ;
Eres empleado suyo;
Employed by the enemy.
Empleados del enemigo.
It employed a chef.
Había un cocinero empleado.
And you're employed here?
—¿Estás empleado aquí?
You are employed, are you not?
Eres una empleada, ¿verdad?
One was the means employed.
Uno de ellos era el procedimiento empleado.
'I'm employed on sufferance.
Me han empleado por indulgencia;
“They’re employed by the heliport.”
Son empleados del helipuerto.
“You’re employed there?”
—¿Está usted empleado allí?
I’m employed by you!” Olive said, “A showgirl is never quite employed, Gladys.
¡Soy empleada tuya! —Una corista no puede considerarse una empleada, Gladys —replicó Olive—.
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