Übersetzung für "flip through" auf spanisch
Flip through
Flipping through Paris Trout was unrevealing.
Hojear Paris Trout no me reveló nada.
He started flipping through the coloring book.
Empezó a hojear el libro de colorear.
Marino starts flipping through his magazine.
Marino empezó a hojear la revista.
Linford made a show of flipping through the file.
Linford fingió hojear el expediente.
Gabi gets up and starts flipping through the reports.
Se levanta y comienza a hojear los informes.
Käthe smiled at the coincidence and flipped through the book.
Käthe, sonriendo ante la coincidencia, se puso a hojear el libro.
Gary shut himself inside his office and flipped through the messages.
Gary se encerró en su despacho y se puso a hojear los mensajes.
Zoë shook her head, beginning to flip through the book.
Zoë meneó la cabeza y empezó a hojear las páginas del libro.
I flipped through my comic collection, but couldn’t find anything to focus on.
Me puse a hojear mi colección de revistas, pero no encontré nada en qué pensar.
Dispiritedly I sink down onto the floor and begin to flip through a magazine.
Desanimada, me siento en el suelo y empiezo a hojear una revista.
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