Übersetzung für "fears were" auf spanisch
I told them their fears were groundless.
Les dije que sus temores eran infundados.
And I gather that your fears were justified?
Y supongo que sus temores eran justificados.
Our fears were completely groundless.
Nuestros temores eran completamente infundados
Looks like her fears were well founded.
Parece que sus temores eran justificados.
When he got home... it was the faces of his children told him his fears were true.
Cuando llegó a casa, los rostros de sus hijos mostraban que sus temores eran ciertos.
But with you in charge, my fears were foolish, weren't they?
Pero con todo bajo tu cargo, mis temores eran infundados, ¿verdad?
But his fears were unfounded.
Pero sus temores eran infundados.
But these fears were unfounded.
Mas sus temores eran infundados.
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