Übersetzung für "eat are" auf spanisch
Eat are
We would like to eat and we have nothing to eat, we would like to drink and we have nothing to drink.
Una persona dijo: "Quisiéramos comer y no tenemos nada que comer, quisiéramos beber y no tenemos nada que beber.
To be healthy and eat well: 336,684;
Estar sano y comer bien: 336.684;
Eating comes first
Comer es primero
He was not given anything to eat or drink.
No le dieron nada para comer o beber.
Forcing to eat repugnant substances
Obligar a comer sustancias repugnantes
Just to eat.
Lo justo para comer.
It is difficult to eat properly.
Resulta difícil comer debidamente.
He had been unable to eat for several days.
Durante varios días no pudo comer.
A break to rest and to eat
Una pausa para descansar y comer;
1. To be healthy and eat well;
1. Estar sano y comer bien;
Well, then, all you'll be eating are your words.
Bueno, entonces todo lo que te comerás, son tus palabras.
All you people have to eat are turnips, snow and misery.
Lo único que tienen para comer son nabos, nieve y miseria.
The only parts worth eating are the fleshy leaves and flowers at the top.
Las únicas piezas que vale la pena comer son las hojas carnosas y flores en la parte superior.
Putting food in your mouth and eating are two very different things.
El poner comida en la boca y comer son dos cosas muy diferentes.
All you guys have to eat are these multi-grain doorstops.
Todo lo que tienen para comer son estos bloques duros de multicereales.
Weeds and fruit that you would never think to eat are actually delicacies.
Semillas y frutas que nunca pensarías comer son manjares.
So, I know that your two favorite places to eat are the diner and the food court.
Sé que tus dos sitios favoritos para comer son la cafetería y el patio de comidas.
But what's even more ridiculous, is that often the fish that we would eat are thrown away if the boat is targeting a different species,
Pero lo más ridículo aún, es que a menudo los peces que podríamos comer son descartados si el barco tiene como objetivo una especie diferente.
I was very frightened. Eat. Eat. Kill and eat.
Estaba muy asustado. Comer. Comer. Matar y comer.
To eat, oh, to eat.
Para comer, ah, para comer.
Eating isn't about eating anymore.
Comer ya no es comer.
“We’ve stopped to eat.” “Eat!”
Nos hemos parado para comer. —¡Comer!
"You've got to eat. I've got to eat.
—Tienes que comer. Yo tengo que comer.
They was sounding to me, saying, We eat, we eat, we eat;
Me hablaban, me decían: «Queremos comer, comer, comer»;
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