Übersetzung für "drive them away" auf spanisch
Drive them away
Hopefully we can drive them away.
Con un poco de suerte, podremos alejarlos.
But I was weak, very weak, and I had no hope of driving them away from me without a wand …
Pero yo me encontraba débil, muy débil, y no tenía esperanza de alejarlos sin una varita.
“Not exactly, sir.  We were ordered to shoot over their heads and drive them away from the plane, then keep them pinned down.”
—No exactamente, señor. Recibimos la orden de disparar por encima de sus cabezas y alejarlos del avión, luego evitar que se levantaran.
Although the shutters were closed and the door locked, a curious crowd gathered and the beadle had to keep going out to drive them away.
Aunque habían puesto los postigos y cerrado la puerta con llave, esperaba una multitud de curiosos y el bedel tenía que salir continuamente para alejarlos.
On some evenings, in his room, the words came into his head and repeated themselves until they were meaningless and irritating and he longed to drive them away.
Algunas noches, en su habitación, se le venían las palabras a la cabeza y las repetía hasta que resultaban absurdas e irritantes y deseaba alejarlas de su mente.
Craig’s head filled with shadows and dark shapes, some were faceless and terrifying and he shouted soundlessly at them to drive them away.
En su mente danzaron sombras y siluetas oscuras. Algunas no tenían rostro y Craig gritó, aterrado, para alejarlas, aunque de su garganta no salía el menor ruido.
Quickly Tristram motioned her to her knees, then leapt into the middle of the arena, slapping wildly at the rays with his hat, trying to drive them away from Aurora.
Tristram le pidió por señas que se arrodillase y luego saltó al centro del ruedo, golpeando furiosamente a las rayas con el sombrero, tratando de alejarlas de Aurora.
The Marines had work to do, since three of the Great White Bears came sniffing closer, looming like white wraiths out of the ice blocks, and the men had to fire muskets at them to drive them away — visibly wounding one bear in the side.
Los Marines tuvieron que trabajar, porque tres de los Grandes Osos Blancos vinieron a husmear bastante cerca, alzándose como espectros en los bloques de hielo, y los hombres tuvieron que disparar los mosquetes hacia ellos para alejarlos, e hirieron visiblemente a uno de los osos en el costado.
Why drive them away from their annual visit around the paternal coffin?
¿Para qué ahuyentarlas de la visita anual en torno al féretro paterno?
He wanted to dispatch them all, drive them away, bare his teeth at them like a snarling wolf.
Deseaba ahuyentarlos a todos, echarlos sin miramientos, mostrarles los dientes, como un lobo a punto de atacar.
Dark clouds hung low in the Salusan sky, but people seemed to be trying to drive them away by waving banners and tossing bright orange flowers.
Nubes oscuras y bajas cubrían el cielo salusano, pero la gente parecía tratar de ahuyentarlas agitando estandartes y arrojando coloridas caléndulas.
"But if we can't stay here much longer because of the snow, and we can't go without performing the rite, and the Other Ones prevent us from performing the rite because they are here and defile the shrine by their presence, then we have to drive them away," said She Who Knows.
—Pero si no podemos quedarnos mucho tiempo más por culpa de la nieve, y no podemos celebrar el rito porque la presencia de los Otros nos lo impide, tendremos que ahuyentarles —dijo La Que Sabe—.
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