Übersetzung für "defeat in" auf spanisch
Thus, our struggle is the United Nations struggle, our victory will be its victory and our defeat will be its defeat.
Por lo tanto, nuestra lucha es la lucha de las Naciones Unidas, nuestra victoria será su victoria y nuestra derrota será su derrota.
Apartheid in South Africa was defeated.
En Sudáfrica se derrotó al apartheid.
This includes the acceptance of defeat in general elections.
Esto incluye la aceptación de la derrota en las elecciones generales.
They admitted defeat on 2 February 2003.
El 2 de febrero del 2003, reconocieron su derrota.
The study of history demonstrates the defeat of this logic.
El estudio de la historia demuestra la derrota de esta lógica.
The Taliban regime has been defeated.
Se derrotó al régimen de los talibanes.
That seemed to amount to an admission of defeat.
Esto parece la admisión de una derrota.
The relative or absolute defeats of the traditional nationalist parties did not mean, of course, a defeat for nationalist politics.
La derrota relativa o absoluta de los partidos nacionalistas tradicionales no significó, evidentemente, una derrota para la política nacionalista.
That in itself is already a defeat.
Ello de por sí es una derrota.
I had never accepted defeat in my life
Yo nunca había aceptado la derrota en mi vida
I've suffered the worst defeat in Scottish history.
He sufrido la peor derrota en la historia de Escocia.
He left soon after his defeat in Paris.
Se fue después de su derrota en París.
Don't commit suicide for the defeat in my hands.
No cometa suicidio por la derrota en mis manos.
But are there no defeats in this war?
¿no hay derrotas en esta guerra?
defeat in France will involve the final, complete...
una derrota en Francia significará...
Never to accept defeat in life.
Jamás aceptar la derrota en la vida.
You must never admit defeat in life.
Nunca debéis aceptar la derrota en la vida.
But I can already sense defeat in you!
Pero puedo sentir la derrota en ti.
Defeat, defeat, the rain whispered;
«La derrota, la derrota...», murmuraba la lluvia.
Is this not defeat piled on defeat?” “Words only.
¿No es esto derrota sobre derrota? —Sólo palabras.
With the defeat of the dragon, the defeat of the Zhengyian artifact, had come the defeat of the gargoyles.
Con la derrota del dragón, la derrota de la creación zhengyiana, había sobrevenido la derrota de las gárgolas.
Glorious defeats, meanwhile, are just defeats.
Las derrotas gloriosas, por su parte, son solo derrotas.
Defeat for the Russians did not mean defeat for the Americans.
La derrota para los rusos no significaba la derrota para los estadounidenses.
Defeat, the last defeat of all, Cody knew.
Derrota, la última derrota de todas. Cody lo sabía.
This is not a defeat, Al.
—Esto no es una derrota, Al.
One glorious defeat after another. Always defeats, alas.
Una gloriosa derrota tras otra. Siempre derrotas.
Defeating the creature was no part of defeating Amon-Rama.
La derrota de la criatura no tenía importancia frente a la derrota de Amón-Rama.
How do you defeat a people who won't admit defeat?
¿Cómo derrotas a alguien que no admite la derrota?
It is possible to defeat poverty.
Derrotar a la pobreza es posible.
Force cannot defeat force.
La fuerza no puede derrotar a la fuerza.
India will defeat such forces.
La India derrotará a esas fuerzas.
We can defeat them.
Los podemos derrotar.
United, we will defeat them.
Unidos, los vamos a derrotar.
Uganda is coping and will, eventually, defeat this terrorism.
Uganda está luchando contra ese terrorismo y a la larga lo derrotará.
Terror must be defeated.
Hay que derrotar al terror.
This will not defeat me.
Esto no me derrotará.
But you will defeat him?
—Pero ¿lo derrotarás?
Life will defeat you.
La vida os derrotará.
Not that they would be easy to defeat.
—Y no es que este fuese fácil de derrotar.
Our technology will defeat them.
Nuestra tecnología los derrotará.
No, Urthank would not defeat him.
No, no sería Urthank el que lo derrotara.
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