Übersetzung für "confess to him" auf spanisch
Confess to him
“Well, I must confess to him on that—” “No, don’t do it.
—Bueno, debo confesarle eso… —No, no lo hagas.
I didn’t know how to confess to him that I intended to drop it all.
yo no veía el modo de confesarle que mi intención era dejarlo.
She told Major Wiley she had something she wished to confess to him.
–Le dijo al comandante Wiley que deseaba confesarle algo.
Something had happened in that tomb, something Henry did not dare to confess to him.
En aquella tumba había ocurrido algo que Henry no se había atrevido a confesarle.
I had to confess to him that you knew a bit about agricultural matters;
Me he visto obligado a confesarle que entiendes un poco de problemas agrícolas;
Later, when all this is passed, then you can confess to him what you did. She liked that.
Más adelante, cuando todo esto haya pasado, podrás confesarle lo que hiciste.» Eso le gustó.
How could I confess to him that I could not beg her to come to me?
¿Cómo podía confesarle que me sentía incapaz de rogarle a Pandora que regresara a mi lado?
The alternative was not to kill John, but to confess to him that he was inheriting little or nothing, and to throw yourself on his mercy.
La única alternativa a la muerte de John era confesarle que heredaría poco o nada, y confiar únicamente en su clemencia.
In truth, I didn’t want to cause him misery, and I did not want to confess to him the sufferings I had endured myself.
Lo cierto es que no quise causarle un disgusto ni confesarle los sufrimientos que había padecido por mi parte.
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