Übersetzung für "conceal them" auf spanisch
He did not seek to conceal them.
No trató de ocultarlas.
It would be the perfect place to conceal them.
Sería el lugar perfecto para ocultarlos.
Ibram, they made no effort to conceal them.
—Ibram, ni siquiera intentaron ocultarlos.
And no doubt it was he who built the false well to conceal them.
Y, sin duda, fue él quien construyó el falso pozo para ocultarlas.
We had to conceal them carefully or MI6 would have removed them.
Tuvimos que ocultarlas con cuidado o el MI6 las hubiera retirado.
Not even the cloaks of Lórien would have concealed them there.
Allí ni siquiera las capas élficas de Lórien hubieran podido ocultarlos.
      The circumstances were such that Mrs. Dornell could not possibly conceal them entirely;
Las circunstancias eran tales que la señora Dornell no podía ocultarlas por completo;
Its lower than normal height was just enough to conceal them.
La pared, de altura inferior a la habitual, les cubría justo para ocultarlos de la vista.
howled Boxtel, turning over everything in the dry-room, "where could he have concealed them?"
– aulló Boxtel devastando todo el secadero-. ¿Dónde ha podido ocultarlos?
but by his day such interests were regarded as somewhat disreputable, and he took great pains to conceal them.
pero como su época no veía con buenos ojos estos intereses, él se esforzó en ocultarlos.
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