Übersetzung für "communicate with you" auf spanisch
I said, "It looks as if he's trying to communicate with you."
—Parece como si tratara de comunicarse contigo —dije.
Installing encrypted email, he said, “is a critically-necessary security measure for anyone who wishes to communicate with you.”
Codificar el e-mail, decía, «es una medida de seguridad fundamental para todo aquel que quiera comunicarse contigo».
“She is confused, struggling, and what she’s managed to achieve has depended on the intensity of her feelings—her desperate desire to communicate with you, Reuben.
Está confundida, luchando. Lo que ha logrado conseguir ha sido gracias a la intensidad de sus sentimientos, a su deseo desesperado de comunicarse contigo, Reuben.
He feels your body in his own; he knows your state before the clinical diagnoses; he perceives signs invisible to other eyes and is the only one who seems to communicate with you.
Te siente en su propio cuerpo, se adelanta a los diagnósticos clínicos, percibe signos invisibles para otros ojos, es el único que pareciera comunicarse contigo.
“She is trying to take over!” “We will be looking at the Format to see if there is a way we can control it, even stop its communicating with you.” Fatimah paused. “I am so sorry. I wish I had better news.”
—¡Está intentando adueñarse de mí! —Vamos a mirar el formato para ver si podemos controlarla, o conseguir al menos que deje de comunicarse contigo. —Fátima se detuvo—. Lo siento mucho; ojalá pudiera decirte algo mejor.
Mrs. Moore, did the defendant make any subsequent attempts to communicate with you?
Sra. Moore, ¿ el acusado hizo algún intento posterior para comunicarse con usted?
Did anyone try to communicate with you?
¿Alguien trató de comunicarse con usted?
It stripped my cerebral cortex and re-animated a version of my consciousness to communicate with you.
Removió mi corteza cerebral y reanimó una versión de mi conciencia para comunicarse con usted.
Well, he managed to find a way to communicate with you.
Él logró comunicarse con usted.
Now, uh, does he try and communicate with you?
Ahora, uh, ¿ha tratado él de comunicarse con usted?
Uh, boys didn't have any way to communicate with you?
¿Los muchachos no tenían forma de comunicarse con usted?
Do you think they were trying to communicate with you?
¿Cree que intentaron comunicarse con usted? No exactamente.
Why do I keep trying to communicate with you?
¿Por qué sigo tratando de comunicarse con usted?
All these rules are making it really hard to communicate with you.
Todas estas normas están haciendo muy duro para comunicarse con usted.
But that was outweighed by his desire to communicate with you.
Sin embargo, se vio superado por su deseo de comunicarse con usted.
Eventually, if the others don't have some way of communicating with you, they will become dissatisfied and/or unhappy.
Con el tiempo, si los componentes de ese resto no tienen alguna manera de comunicarse con ustedes, se sentirán insatisfechos o desdichados, o ambas cosas.
I thought about that for a few minutes, and then asked, “How long do you figure it’ll take before she can start to communicate with you about it?”
Me tomé unos segundos para asimilar esa idea y luego pregunté: –¿Cuánto tiempo cree que tardará en empezar a comunicarse con usted?
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