Übersetzung für "chest hair" auf spanisch
the unpleasantness of male chest hair;
lo desagradable que era el pelo en el pecho de los hombres;
She seemed to like his chest hair.
Parecía encantada con el pelo de su pecho.
He padded in that direction, scratching at his damp chest hair.
Se dirigió al mismo, mientras se rascaba el pelo húmedo del pecho.
His chest hair was no longer white, either, and his other body hair had lost its grayness.
El pelo de su pecho ya no era blanco tampoco, y el resto de su vello corporal había perdido el tono gris.
The skinny one not even a man, not even a boy that much, him shirt open wide but no chest hair growing. And me.
El flaco no es hombre siquiera, es apenas un machito, lleva la camisa abierta del to pero ni le crece pelo en el pecho. Y yo.
Bastian was also fair, though his hair was darker and he had a thick fleece of chest hair as well, surrounding his gilded nipples and jeweled navel.
Bastian también era rubio, aunque de pelo más oscuro, y además tenía una densa mata de pelo en el pecho, en torno a las tetillas doradas y el ombligo enjoyado.
A little chest hair was visible above his shirt, which he wore with the top button undone, because, unlike Desvern, he wasn’t wearing a tie, Desvern always used to wear one, but his friend was slightly younger.
Tenía pelo en el pecho, le asomaba un poco por la camisa con el botón superior abierto, no llevaba corbata, Desvern siempre la llevaba, su amigo era algo más joven.
Her companion, who looked a few years older, had a plunging neckline of his own, his maroon, long-sleeved shirt unbuttoned to reveal a vast expanse of gray chest hair.
Su acompañante, que parecía unos años mayor, llevaba desabrochados varios botones de su camisa granate de manga larga, lo que dejaba a la vista una gran masa de pelo gris del pecho.
(“We met where?… Oh, right, that fuckin’ place.”) He’d worn a tie for the ceremony but took it off now in the tent, unbuttoning the top two buttons on his shirt as if to allow his chest hair to breathe.
(«¿Dónde nos conocimos?… Ah, claro, en aquel puto local.») Se había puesto corbata para la ceremonia pero ahora en la carpa tenía desabrochados dos botones de arriba de la camisa como para dejar que el pelo de su pecho respirase.
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