Übersetzung für "being up to" auf spanisch
It’s a sin this not being ready, this not being up to it.
Este no estar a punto, este no estar a la altura es un pecado.
On that first occasion, she would have liked to have told him that she really enjoyed reading his stories, but she didn’t dare, partly because she didn’t want him to think she was being obsequious, but above all because she didn’t know what she would answer if he asked why she liked them, and because she was afraid of not being up to talking about his work.
Se lo ha oído decir muchas veces desde entonces y aquella primera vez hubiera querido decirle que le gustaban sus historias, pero no se atrevió, en parte porque no quería parecer convencional, o demasiado obsequiosa, pero sobre todo porque temía no estar a la altura poniéndose en el brete de tener que hablar de su obra.
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