Übersetzung für "been victorious" auf spanisch
They will have been victorious. I should prepare myself.
—Deben de haber salido victoriosos. Iré a prepararme.
I might perhaps then have been victorious but the probabilities were extremely slim.
Quizás habría salido victorioso, pero realmente era muy poco probable.
Yet, we would have been victorious, of that I have little doubt.
Aun así, habríamos salidos victoriosos, de eso no cabe duda.
The armies of Mykene had been victorious in every battle, and a great hero had fallen.
Los ejércitos micénicos habían salido victoriosos en cada batalla y había caído un gran héroe.
We fled and gained an ally in one of my own ships which had been victorious in its own recent battle.
Huimos y nos aliamos con uno de nuestros barcos, que había salido victorioso de su propia batalla.
The Allies had beaten their fellow Muslims in Turkey and they quietly wished that the Ottoman Empire had been victorious.
Aunque deseaban en secreto que el Imperio otomano hubiera salido victorioso, los aliados habían derrotado a sus iguales en Turquía.
The mole-catcher had said, but sir, England has never been in a war but that she has been victorious.
El cazador de topos dijo al doctor Whitehead: señor, Inglaterra nunca ha participado en una guerra de la que no haya salido victoriosa.
That meant that Hasdrubal and Maharbal had been victorious in the cavalry battle, which in turn signified that their horsemen were at this moment harassing the back of the Roman host.
Eso significaba que Asdrúbal y Maharbal habían salido victoriosos y ahora se dedicaban a hostigar las últimas filas romanas.
Sametono continued, "I propose, after we have been victorious in this war, to donate both swords to Eisen Roshi, to be kept among the most precious objects in the Todaiji.
Sametono prosiguió: —Propongo, después de que hayamos salido victoriosos de esta guerra, donar ambas espadas a Eisen roshi, para que sean guardadas entre los más preciados objetos del Todaiji.
We would have been victorious at Wuchang had Genghis Khan or our Lord Kublai commanded.
Podríamos haber salido victoriosos de Wuchang si hubiera comandado Gengis Kan o nuestro señor Kublai.
The Copenhagen view had been victorious.
La visión de Copenhague había salido victoriosa.
Unless I have killed the leader, I would not have been victorious in that battle !
¡A menos que hubiese matado al líder, no hubiese salido victorioso de la batalla!
Love is a war in which I have not been victorious. Mmm.
El amor es una guerra en la que no he salido victorioso.
Oh. Well, we all suffered during the war, but if Japan and Germany had not been victorious, then Semites would be running the world today.
Bueno, todos hemos sufrido durante la guerra, pero si Japón y Alemania no hubieran salido victoriosos, los semitas gobernarían el mundo hoy.
They will have been victorious. I should prepare myself.
—Deben de haber salido victoriosos. Iré a prepararme.
I might perhaps then have been victorious but the probabilities were extremely slim.
Quizás habría salido victorioso, pero realmente era muy poco probable.
Yet, we would have been victorious, of that I have little doubt.
Aun así, habríamos salidos victoriosos, de eso no cabe duda.
The armies of Mykene had been victorious in every battle, and a great hero had fallen.
Los ejércitos micénicos habían salido victoriosos en cada batalla y había caído un gran héroe.
We fled and gained an ally in one of my own ships which had been victorious in its own recent battle.
Huimos y nos aliamos con uno de nuestros barcos, que había salido victorioso de su propia batalla.
The Allies had beaten their fellow Muslims in Turkey and they quietly wished that the Ottoman Empire had been victorious.
Aunque deseaban en secreto que el Imperio otomano hubiera salido victorioso, los aliados habían derrotado a sus iguales en Turquía.
The mole-catcher had said, but sir, England has never been in a war but that she has been victorious.
El cazador de topos dijo al doctor Whitehead: señor, Inglaterra nunca ha participado en una guerra de la que no haya salido victoriosa.
That meant that Hasdrubal and Maharbal had been victorious in the cavalry battle, which in turn signified that their horsemen were at this moment harassing the back of the Roman host.
Eso significaba que Asdrúbal y Maharbal habían salido victoriosos y ahora se dedicaban a hostigar las últimas filas romanas.
Sametono continued, "I propose, after we have been victorious in this war, to donate both swords to Eisen Roshi, to be kept among the most precious objects in the Todaiji.
Sametono prosiguió: —Propongo, después de que hayamos salido victoriosos de esta guerra, donar ambas espadas a Eisen roshi, para que sean guardadas entre los más preciados objetos del Todaiji.
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