Übersetzung für "becoming infected" auf spanisch
Becoming infected
“Yes, burns that could become infected but certainly not be the cause of cancer.”
–Sí, quemaduras que podrían infectarse; pero, ciertamente, no serían causa de cáncer.
You will come in with me and have that dressed, before it can become infected.
Tú vas a venir conmigo a que te cure eso antes de que pueda infectarse.
"It's lost a lot of blood, it's dehydrated, and these wounds may become infected.
– Ha perdido mucha sangre, está deshidratado y estas heridas pueden infectarse.
He had gently cleaned the boy off, medicating the cuts that threatened to become infected.
Graham había limpiado amablemente al muchacho y le había tratado los cortes, que amenazaban con infectarse.
The state of my feet had slowed our progress, and the blisters were likely to become infected if left untreated.
El estado de mis pies está frenando nuestra marcha, y las ampollas pueden infectarse como las siga martirizando.
The clot which forms in the artery is apt to become infected and adhesions are apt to form from the intestine.
El coágulo que se forma en la arteria corre peligro de infectarse y pueden formarse adherencias en el intestino.
“But the boy does not seem to have been in the Guard long enough to have quite become—infected by their behavior.” “But—Sentek!
Pero parece que el chico no lleva tanto tiempo en la Guardia como para llegar a «infectarse» con su comportamiento. —Pero… ¡sentek!
'It's interesting the way copepods carry the virus in a latent form all the way down from the Med to the Antarctic without becoming infected themselves.
—Es interesante cómo los copépodos llevan el virus desde el Mediterráneo al Antártico sin infectarse ellos mismos.
They want nothing more than to take charge of their own destiny, to become infected with the machines that will record their memories, so that they might live again.
Lo único que quieren es coger las riendas de su destino, infectarse con las máquinas que grabarán sus recuerdos, para que puedan revivir.
An additional factor that negatively affects the supply of labour is that, around the world, there were repeated instances of workers refusing to return to work for fear of becoming infected.
Un factor adicional que afecta negativamente a la oferta de mano de obra es que, en todo el mundo, hubo repetidos casos de trabajadores que se negaron a volver al trabajo por temor a infectarse.
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