Übersetzung für "become irritated" auf spanisch
Become irritated
She tried not to become irritated.
Ella trató de no irritarse.
The young man was becoming irritated.
El joven comenzaba a irritarse.
Stubborn patience and refusal to become irritated.
Testaruda paciencia y rechazo a irritarse.
He tried to be calm, not to become irritated with himself.
Trató de permanecer calmado, de no irritarse consigo mismo.
So I thought, If ever there was a time for him to become irritable, it is now.
Así que pensé: si en algún momento puede irritarse es ahora.
He had been all right when he first reappeared in her life, but now he was becoming irritable.
Al principio, cuando Damian había reaparecido en su vida, lo encontraba aceptable, pero ya empezaba a irritarse por cualquier cosa.
She came to eat when I shouted for her, but she didnt say much and could become irritated if I asked too many questions.
Venía a comer cuando la llamaba, pero hablaba poco y llegaba incluso a irritarse cuando le hacía demasiadas preguntas.
In one of those “objective,” half-menacing conversations that leave me with a sick headache, an American expert with State Department connections said to me apropos of the warnings in Alsop’s “Dear Amos” letter: “What if the President were to become irritated or angry with Jewish lobbyists?
En una de esas conversaciones «objetivas», a medias amenazantes, que me suelen dejar con un terrible dolor de cabeza, un experto norteamericano con conexiones en el Departamento de Estado me dijo lo siguiente a propósito de las advertencias vertidas por Alsop en su carta a su «querido Amos»: «¿Y si el presidente termina por irritarse e incluso enojarse ante los grupos de presión judíos?
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