Übersetzung für "be bone" auf spanisch
It may be bone, but it isn't human.
Podrá ser hueso, pero no es humano.
Oh, it's got to be Bones, I guarantee ya.
Oh, esto tiene que ser Huesos, te lo garantizo.
Thought it might be bone.
Creo que podria ser hueso.
Okamoto: “They could be bones from another small animal.”
OKAMOTO: Podrían ser huesos de otro animal pequeño. —Son de suricata.
They were the bones of the thing, the bare bones where the flesh had been torn away, perhaps centuries ago!
Eran los huesos de aquel ser, huesos desnudos que habían perforado la piel siglos atrás.
And it would be more important, I knew, for us who would be bone and dust to have a stubborn pride than it would be for a thing of strength and surety.
Valoré que sería más importante para nosotros ser huesos y polvo, tener un orgullo testarudo, ser fuertes y seguros de nosotros mismos.
what he does not know is that his greatest comrade and his first friend, the Duke of Buckingham, who put him on the throne, who swore fealty to him, who was to be bone of his bone and blood of his blood, another brother as trustworthy as those of the York affinity, is turned against him and has sworn to bring his destruction.
Lo que no sabe es que su principal camarada y primer amigo, el duque de Buckingham, ese que lo sentó en el trono, que le juró lealtad, que iba a ser hueso de sus huesos y carne de su carne, otro hermano tan de fiar como los de su parentela York, se ha vuelto contra él y ha jurado destruirlo.
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