Übersetzung für "as physically" auf spanisch
All of them were physically mistreated.
Todos ellos fueron maltratados físicamente.
(a) physically to the addressee; or
a) Al destinatario físicamente; o
To be pure spiritually and physically
Sean espiritual y físicamente puros
Physically Disabled Women
Mujeres físicamente discapacitadas
Mentally or physically
Mental o físicamente
27. A staff member threatened to physically harm a Security Officer and subsequently physically assaulted him.
Un funcionario amenazó con lesionar físicamente a un oficial de seguridad y luego lo agredió físicamente.
(e) The disabled (mentally and physically);
e) discapacitados (mental y físicamente);
Physically disabled (as of 2001)
Físicamente discapacitados
To be physically fit;
c) Ser declarado físicamente apto;
And, erm, then he got a screwdriver and abused me with a screwdriver, internally as well as physically, and then raped me and when I sat up the baby came out.
Y, ehm... entonces tomó un destornillador y abusó de mí con el destornillador, tanto interna como físicamente, luego me violó, y cuando me senté, el bebé salió.
I had two attempts at suicide in rehabilitation because I'd lost my past, I'd lost my future and really in a psychologically bad place, as well as physically.
Tenía dos intentos de suicidio en la rehabilitación porque yo había perdido mi pasado, había perdido mi futuro y realmente en un mal lugar psicológicamente, así como físicamente.
You got to be mentally tough as well as physically tough!
Tienes que ser fuerte mentalmente así como físicamente duro!
You're gonna have to dig deep mentally as well as physically today, riders.
Vas a tener que cavar hondo tanto mental como físicamente hoy, corredores.
A thing like that takes its toll mentally as well as physically, Catherine.
Una cosa así se cobra su peaje mental así como físicamente, Catherine.
He wanted to see you turn into a lifelong cripple, mentally, as well as physically.
Quería que fueras lisiado de por vida... tanto mental como físicamente.
You witnessed throwing her into the arms of another man, a man who could properly nourish her, both intellectually, as well as physically.
Tu debilidad la llevó a los brazos de otro hombre, un hombre que la alimentara adecuadamente tanto intelectual como físicamente.
Purpose - to train a warrior mentally as well as physically.
Finalidad: entrenar a un guerrero tanto mental como físicamente.
Would you describe them as physically demonstrative?
¿Le ellos describen como físicamente demostrativo?
If the unsub sees himself as physically defective,
Si el unsub se ve a sí mismo como físicamente defectuoso,
Physically, that was;
Físicamente, claro está;
It is physically impossible.
Es físicamente imposible.
At least not physically.
Al menos no físicamente.
Physical opposites.
Físicamente eran distintos.
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