Übersetzung für "angry with them" auf spanisch
Angry with them
Duke said you came to the gull, all three of them were transformed back into teenagers while you were angry with them.
Duke dijo que fuiste al Gaviota, y los tres fueron transformados en adolescentes mientras estabas enojada con ellos.
I can understand that you're angry with them.
Puedo entender que estás enojado con ellos.
- Of course, if ... .. These angry with them, and you out on me, is classic!
- Claro que si... ..estas enojada con ellos, y te desquitas conmigo, es clásico!
Not that I'm angry with them.
No es que esté enojada con ellos.
Also, I think she wanted to put distance between herself and her parents, she was so angry with them.
También creo que ella quería distanciarse de sus padres, pues estaba muy enojada con ellos.
He was angry with them because they stood in his way – and he was weary of those who dared to stand in his way.
Estaba enojado con ellos porque se interponían en su camino y estaba cansado de encontrar a gente que le bloqueaba el paso.
She was not at all pleased at having to sit with Binoy and Lolita, but because she was angry with them she remained seated.
No le gustaba en absoluto permanecer junto a Binoy y Lolita; pero como se sentía enojada con ellos, continuó allí.
They cried because their King was not angry with them, he still loved them, as though they were his own sons, and now he was going to take them home.
Lloraban porque su rey no estaba enojado con ellos; les amaba aún, como a unos hijos, y les volvía a llevar a casa.
All the while, as I thought this over, as I hired slaves and purchased wagons for my journey, as I made my preparations, Zenobia was my companion, though Avicus and Mael would have joined us if I had allowed. I was too angry with them still for their early refusal to protect Zenobia. And it did not assuage my anger that they wanted to remain with Zenobia now.
Durante ese tiempo, mientras reflexionaba en lo que debía hacer, mientras contrataba a esclavos, adquiría carros para el viaje y ultimaba los preparativos, Zenobia fue mi compañera. Avicus y Mael se habrían unido a nosotros si yo se lo hubiera permitido, pero aún estaba enojado con ellos por haberse negado en un principio a proteger a Zenobia, y el hecho de que en esos momentos desearan permanecer junto a ella no aplacó mi ira.
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