Übersetzung für "alikeness" auf spanisch
It has made jobs more alike and blurred the distinctions between some of the job specialities. Implications
Ha hecho que los cargos tengan mayores semejanzas entre sí y ha desdibujado las distinciones entre algunas de las especialidades.
I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the legal look-alike test
Lo siento, no estoy familiarizado con la "prueba de semejanza" legal.
But for all our kinship, my Mina, we were not completely alike.
Pero a pesar de toda nuestra semejanza, Mina mía, no éramos del todo iguales.
Harry, it isn't how you are alike.
Harry. No son las semejanzas entre ustedes...
I recognized something alike in it-I was a child as this Blue Baby had been a child.
Vi en ella una semejanza: yo era una niña como lo había sido Blue Baby.
Rudy and Landon had always looked alike, but the depth of resemblance in this image unnerved her.
Rudy y Landon siempre se habían parecido, pero la profundidad de su semejanza en esa imagen la desconcertaba.
People commented frequently on how much they looked alike, and asked if they were brother and sister.
A la gente le llamaba la atención su semejanza y solía preguntarles si eran hermanos.
His second wife didn't look like the first, but they were niore alike than they were different.
Su segunda mujer no se parecía a la primera físicamente, pero las diferencias entre ellas eran menores que sus semejanzas.
Now that her appearance as a whole was less like his own, he could see how alike their faces were.
Y como aquella visión ya no se le parecía tanto en su totalidad, observó la semejanza del rostro.
He and Georgie were more alike than they were different, although it had taken him a while to figure that out.
Él y Georgie tenían más semejanzas que diferencias, aunque había tardado un poco en darse cuenta.
He supposed them to be husband and wife but they were oddly alike, having perhaps developed a marital resemblance.
Grant los supuso marido y mujer, pero eran curiosamente parecidos, habiendo desarrollado tal vez una semejanza marital.
They were very different, but alike in this that both were noble and both childless, and both were married to the best of husbands.
Eran muy distintas, pero hay entre ellas puntos de semejanza: ambas eran nobles, ninguna de las dos tuvo hijos y ambas contaban con excelentes maridos.
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