Übersetzung für "again trying" auf spanisch
He nodded again, trying to think.
Barrett asintió de nuevo, intentando pensar.
I stop again, trying to think it through.
Me detengo de nuevo, intentando pensar con claridad.
He smiled again, trying to charm that flinty face.
– Sonrió de nuevo, intentando seducir a aquel rostro pétreo-.
Deryn saluted again, trying to hide her grin. “No, sir.
Deryn saludó de nuevo, intentando ocultar su sonrisa. —No, señor.
Alek swallowed again, trying to get his voice back.
Alek tragó saliva de nuevo, intentando recuperar la voz.
She started moving again, trying to sort out what had happened.
Empezó a caminar de nuevo, intentando aclarar lo que había sucedido.
“I didn’t think so,” I said, again trying to make it gentle.
—Eso me parecía —dije, de nuevo intentando hacerme la simpática.
Again, trying to find out where you went after you visited them.
De nuevo, intentando averiguar adonde habías ido después de visitarles.
She swallowed, found it difficult, swallowed again, trying to regain control of her half- paralyzed throat.
Tragó saliva de nuevo, intentando recuperar el control de su garganta semiparalizada.
He shook his head again, trying to figure out his feelings. “You’re right,”
Meneó la cabeza de nuevo, intentando aclarar sus sentimientos. —Tienes razón —dije, en un susurro—.
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