Übersetzung für "achievements were" auf spanisch
66. These political achievements were accompanied by achievements on all fronts.
66. Estos logros políticos fueron acompañados por logros en todos los frentes.
All these achievements were human.
Todos sus logros fueron logros humanos.
Before the phage began, we were known as educators and explorers-- a people whose greatest achievements were artistic.
Antes que el phage empezara éramos conocidos como educadores y exploradores un pueblo cuyos mayores logros eran artísticos.
All the achievements were put down to his initiatives.
Todos los logros eran atribuidos a sus iniciativas.
All his achievements were owned by the collective.
Todos sus logros eran poseídos por el colectivo.
Such achievements were rewarded by the advance of a small stick in the pegboard.
Tales logros eran recompensados con el avance de un palito en el tablero.
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