Übersetzung für "was reserve" auf italienisch
My first week as a public defender,I went in for an arraignment, and while I was waiting,an A.D.A.Approached me and told me the gallery I was sitting in was reserved for attorneys,nodefendants.
La mia prima settimana da pubblico difensore, entrai per discutere una causa e, mentre aspettavo, mi si e' avvicinato un sostituto procuratore, dicendomi che la galleria dov'ero seduto era riservata agli avvocati, non agli imputati.
According to the center's register, the space was reserved that day by a psych department meeting, a drama club gathering, the wrestling team's luncheon and an assembly of the Sisters of Pi Upsilon.
Secondo il registro, lo spazio, quel giorno, era riservato per una riunione del dipartimento di psicologia, un incontro del club di recitazione, il pranzo della squadra di wrestling e un'assemblea della confraternita delle Pi Upsilon.
As time went by the scattered cotton plants at Manderlay grew side by side with its denizens' hunger now that the little that was left of the donkey meat was reserved for claire
IltempopassavaaManderlay. Lapocacarnedell'asinorimasta era riservata a Claire. Lepiantedi cotonecrescevano insieme alla fame dei suoi abitanti.
Up until 2001, the privilege of orbiting Earth... was reserved for the elite few:
Fino al 2001, il privilegio di orbitare attorno alla Terra era riservato a pochi eletti:
At one time the kingdom of heaven was reserved for the poor.
Una volta ai poveri era riservato il Regno dei Cieli!
It was reserved for heads of house only.
- Era riservata solo ai capi delle sedi.
You know, even in ancient times, the Maypole ceremony was reserved only for fae who had found their soul mates.
Sai, anche nei tempi antichi, la cerimonia del "Maypole" era riservata alle sole fate, che avevano trovato la loro anima gemella.
And gold was reserved for one table.
E l'oro... era riservato a un solo tavolo.
This was reserved for the Prime Minister but that fat bastard does not need any more pie.
Questa era riservata al Primo Ministro, ma... Quel ciccione bastardo non ha piu' bisogno di torte.
He was reserved in his personal relationships and had no close friends.
Era riservato nei suoi rapporti personali e non aveva amici intimi.
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