Übersetzung für "unfriendlier" auf italienisch
They found your unfriendly.
- Hanno trovato il tuo ostile.
She seemed unfriendly to you.
Sembrava ostile a te.
I sense an unfriendly presence.
Percepisco una presenza ostile.
You have committed an unfriendly act.
avete commesso un atto ostile.
No need to be unfriendly.
Non c'è bisogno di essere ostile.
We had to neutralize an unfriendly.
Abbiamo neutralizzato un ostile.
- He was unfriendly when we found him.
- All'inizio era ostile.
- I thought you might be unfriendly.
- Perdonatemi, credevo foste ostile.
Be ready for additional unfriendlies.
Siate pronti per ulteriori ostili.
And risk the unfriendly skies?
Rischiando i cieli ostili?
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