Übersetzung für "sulphureous" auf italienisch
Thou sulphurous and thought executing fires...
Voi fuochi sulfurei...
"Tasker's Sulphureous Duck.
Anatra Sulfurea ui Tasker.
One of our sulphur baths.
In una delle nostre terme sulfuree.
No. A Tasker's Sulphureous has been known to rangers...
Questa storia uell'Anatra Sulfurea mi semura uecisamente inverosimile.
The sulphur waters renew the flesh, soothe the spirit.
Le acque sulfuree rinnovano la carne, sollevano lo spirito.
Swarthy, sulphurous dwarf!
Nero, calloso, sulfureo gnomo!
That's Tasker's Sulphureous.
Quella è un'Anatra Sulfurea ui Tasker.
Don't the sulphur fumes bother you?
Non vi danno fastidio le esalazioni sulfuree?
Distinct from the common Sulphureous
Si uistingue ualla Sulfurea Comune per le insolite striature gialle..
I can smell the Devil's sulphur! And he works through that whore Caris.
Riesco a sentire l'odore solfureo del Diavolo.
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