Self-serve yogurt. Those douses already know one marketable skill.
E' un self-service, almeno quegli imbecilli gia' hanno qualche competenza rivendibile.
I forgot to put the handle back up on the self-serve.
Ho scordato a tirare su la leva al self-service.
But it's kind of a self-serve deal.
Ma qui è tutto self-service.
Are these self serve rates?
- Sono tariffe self-service?
Other than that it's kinda just self-serve.
Inoltre e' come un self-service.
I guess it's a self-serve.
Credo sia un self-service.
Self-serve, all different kinds of toppings.
Self-service, ci sono tutti i tipi di guarnizione?
I... Uh, did go to the self-serve station.
Sono... andata nella zona self-service.
They call it self-serve storage for a reason.
Li chiamano magazzini self-service per un motivo.