Übersetzung für "opposed to" auf italienisch
I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto.
Pensavo che non ti saresti opposta a un furto d'auto.
Perhaps, at some point, I was appreciative of Julianne's genteel, feminine demeanor, as opposed to Joan Jett over here, but that does not mean that I have feelings for her.
Forse, a un certo punto ho apprezzato la gentilezza di Julianne, il suo essere femminile, opposto a quello di Joan Jett qui, ma questo non vuol dire che provi qualcosa per lei.
But as long as you're opposed to them, you won't be able to return to the university. What will you do?
Da quando ti sei opposto a loro, non puoi più tornare all'Università.
As opposed to the conservative kind?
Cioe' opposto a quello conservatore?
You might want to focus on the positive things that you get from this experience as opposed to, you know...
Potresti concentrarti sulle cose positive che potresti ricevere da quest'esperienza opposte a, sai..
I'm sure we wouldn't be here if you had been opposed to working with us.
Non saremmo qui, se lei si fosse opposta a questa collaborazione.
As opposed to questions I consider more important like, what is real?
In opposto a domande che considero piu' importanti tipo, cosa e' reale?
I am diametrically oppose to that.
Mi trovo diametricalmente opposto a ciò.
When the authorities arrive, I will claim that you've been opposed to this attack from the start and that you've been held here against your will.
Quando arriveranno le autorita', diro' che ti eri opposta a questi attacchi fin dall'inizio, e che sei stata segregata qui contro la tua volonta'.
- As opposed to...
- Al contrario di...
As opposed to people?
Al contrario delle persone?
As opposed to "urrrr."
Al contrario di "urrrr."
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