Übersetzung für "landmines" auf italienisch
You still sell Landmines!
Tu vendi ancora mine antiuomo!
Landmines? What kind of island is this?
Mine da terra?
I try to avoid landmines.
Io cerco di evitare le mine.
There are landmines everywhere!
Ci sono mine dappertutto!
Better hope those landmines work.
Speriamo che queste mine funzionino.
Landmines, I think.
- Contro le mine, penso.
With landmines. Hmm?
Con delle mine antiuomo.
Landmines for orphans.
Mine anti-uomo per orfani.
- I don't know. Landmines, orphans.
Mine anti-uomo, orfani...
Between us and the landmine.
Tra noi e le mine.
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