Übersetzung für "fragmenting" auf italienisch
Rifkin led a... fragmented... disjointed... existence.
(Rifkin conduceva una frammentaria e disarticolata esistenza.)
--Feels they cannot delay the invasion because of one fragmented message.
Ritiene che non possano rimandare l'invasione a causa di un messaggio frammentario.
Everything is fragmented, broken.
Tutto è frammentario, rotto.
But it was incomplete, her notations fragmented.
Ma era incompleta, le sue note frammentarie.
So... how are those fragments doing?
Allora... come va con quei ricordi frammentari?
How did you learn to fragment your thoughts like that?
Come hai imparato a frammentare i tuoi pensieri in quel modo?
There -- there are feelings, you know? Like fragments.
E' solo un insieme di sensazioni... frammentarie.
This reconstruction was based on a fragmented nitrate copy with English information captions from the National Film and Television Archive, London. It was recopied and the German original information captions were inserted according to the surviving censorcard.
Questa ricostruzione si è basata su una frammentaria copia in nitrato con didascalie in inglese, proveniente dal 'National Film and Television Archive' di Londra.
The neural stripping does tend to fragment their own reality matrix.
Lo smantellamento neuronale tende a frammentare... la realtà percepita.
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