Übersetzung für "they were stupid" auf französisch
They were stupid
Everybody else was just lying so nobody'd think they were stupid... and because they were afraid of seeing the king's weenie.
Les gens mentaient pour ne pas montrer qu'ils étaient stupides et parce qu'ils craignaient de voir le zizi du roi.
Christ, I knew they were stupid, but can't they even dress themselves?
Bon dieu, je savais qu'ils étaient stupides, mais de la à ne pas s'habiller eux-mêmes?
- but you said they were stupid.
- Mais tu as dit qu'ils étaient stupides.
- I've always said they were stupid.
J'ai toujours dit qu'ils étaient stupides.
The people who worked for him were stupid, the children were stupid, and if people did things in a way that he wouldn't have done them, they were stupid.
Ceux qui travaillaient pour lui étaient stupides, les enfants étaient stupides, et si les gens faisaient quelque chose qu'il n'avait pas voulu, ils étaient stupides.
I, for one, have freed my slaves, but I did so only because they were stupid, smelly, sad and boring.
En ce qui me concerne, j'ai affranchi mes esclaves, mais seulement parce qu'ils étaient stupides, malodorants, tristes et ennuyeux.
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