Übersetzung für "that excites" auf französisch
It's funny, but that excites me.
C'est bizarre, mais ça m'excite.
Just touching you makes you that excited?
De te toucher, ça t'excite à ce point ?
Does that excite you, or anger you, or what?
Et ça t'excite, ça t'énerve, ou bien quoi ?
But that excites me all the more
Mais ça m'excite encore plus.
Does that excite you?
Ça t'excite?
Does that excite you, Empress?
Est-ce que ça t'excite ?
Type (winding, excitation):
3.3.1 Type (enroulement, excitation):
Excite Environmental impact assessment
Résultats fournis par Excite
Right, and that's something that excites you. Yeah!
Le genre de trucs qui t'excite !
The only thing i can do Is write about the shit that excites me, The shit that gets me hard.
Je ne peux qu'écrire que sur ce qui m'excite, ce qui me fait bander.
Venice is a city that excites me.
Venise est une ville qui m'excite.
But it is really that candid air that excites the men.
C'est son air candide qui excite les hommes.
Now, it is money that excites me.
Maintenant, c'est le fric qui m'excite.
-No? Then it's money that excites you perhaps?
Ou alors, c'est l'argent qui t'excite?
I happen to have the kind of body that excites both persuasions.
Il se trouve que j'ai un corps qui excite les deux confessions.
He comes in the guise of a mentor, but it's distress that excites him.
Il est venu en tant que mentor, mais c'est la détresse qui l'excite.
But there's one path to paralysis that excites a wannabe's imagination above all others.
Mais il y a un autre moyen qui excite un aspirant par-dessus tout.
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