Übersetzung für "lawyer" auf französisch
The International Association of Lawyers (UIA) is an international association of lawyers’ associations and of individual lawyers.
L'Union internationale des avocats (UIA) est une association internationale composée d'associations d'avocats et d'avocats individuels.
The lawyer's comments will be recorded in the Register of Lawyers' Comments.
Les observations faites par l'avocat seront mentionnées dans le Registre des observations des avocats.
The functions of the lawyers' associations should also include the continuing education of lawyers and the public on the role of a Lawyers' Association.
Les fonctions des associations d'avocats devraient comprendre la formation continue des avocats et du public sur le rôle d'une association d'avocats.
- Hello, lawyer, other lawyer.
- Bonjour, avocate, autre avocat.
Lawyers don't criticize lawyers.
Les avocats n'accusent pas les avocats.
Dinosaurs versus lawyers, lawyers win.
Dinosaures versus avocats, les avocats gagnent.
So you're my lawyer's lawyer?
Vous êtes les avocats de mon avocat ?
My lawyer will call your lawyer.
Mon avocat appellera ton avocat.
Number of lawyers
Nombre de juristes
(f) To foster relations and interaction between lawyers and associations and organizations of lawyers within the region;
f) Favoriser des relations d'interaction entre les juristes et les associations professionnelles de juristes;
Lawyers without Borders
Juristes sans frontières
Arab Lawyers' Union
de juristes arabes
The DPP is an expatriate lawyer, and has no other lawyers on his staff.
Le DPP est un juriste expatrié; il ne dispose d'aucun autre juriste dans son personnel.
Furthermore, these seminars and workshops invite both lawyers and non-lawyers in which the non-lawyers are exposed to the importance of using lawyers not only at every stage but from the initiation of the borrowing process, and the lawyers are exposed to economic and financial elements of the borrowing process.
Par ailleurs, ces séminaires et ateliers, organisés à l'intention des juristes et des non-juristes, visent d'une part à sensibiliser les non-juristes à la nécessité de recourir aux services des juristes à tous les stades du processus d'emprunt, et d'autre part à familiariser les juristes aux aspects économiques et financiers de ce processus.
- Lawyer, 1974
- Juriste (1974)
I'm a lawyer.
Je suis juriste.
We're lawyers.
On est juristes.
He's a lawyer.
Il est juriste.
Our company lawyer.
Notre juriste d'entreprise.
I'll call that lawyer.
J'appelle le juriste.
Yet another lawyer.
Un autre juriste!
So, once a corporate lawyer, always a corporate lawyer?
Un juriste d'entreprise sera toujours un juriste d'entreprise?
- She is a lawyer.
- Elle est juriste.
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