Übersetzung für "is who is" auf französisch
Is who is
The question is, who is the woman with him?
La question est, qui est la femme à côté de lui ?
The question is: who is this woman?
La question est : qui est cette femme ?
Yeah,the question is,who is it?
Ouais, la question est : qui est-ce ?
Yeah, I guess the question is, who is she...
Ouais, je suppose que la question est, qui est-elle...
The question is who is Charlie?
La question est qui est Charlie ?
The question is, who is he?
La question est, qui est-il Lui ?
The question is, who is the daddy?
La question est, qui est le père ?
Never mind who she is, who is she?
Peu importe qui c'est, qui est-ce?
The only question is, who is next.
La seule question c'est, qui est le prochain.
- The big issue now is who is this mystery woman?
La grande question est : qui est cette mystérieuse femme ?
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