Übersetzung für "a r a" auf finnisch
A r a
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In special relativity, the spacelike basis E1, E2, E3 and components A1, A2, A3 are often Cartesian basis and components: A = ( A t , A x , A y , A z ) = A t E t + A x E x + A y E y + A z E z {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{t},\,A_{x},\,A_{y},\,A_{z})\\&=A_{t}\mathbf {E} _{t}+A_{x}\mathbf {E} _{x}+A_{y}\mathbf {E} _{y}+A_{z}\mathbf {E} _{z}\\\end{aligned}}} although, of course, any other basis and components may be used, such as spherical polar coordinates A = ( A t , A r , A θ , A ϕ ) = A t E t + A r E r + A θ E θ + A ϕ E ϕ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{t},\,A_{r},\,A_{\theta },\,A_{\phi })\\&=A_{t}\mathbf {E} _{t}+A_{r}\mathbf {E} _{r}+A_{\theta }\mathbf {E} _{\theta }+A_{\phi }\mathbf {E} _{\phi }\\\end{aligned}}} or cylindrical polar coordinates, A = ( A t , A r , A θ , A z ) = A t E t + A r E r + A θ E θ + A z E z {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{t},\,A_{r},\,A_{\theta },\,A_{z})\\&=A_{t}\mathbf {E} _{t}+A_{r}\mathbf {E} _{r}+A_{\theta }\mathbf {E} _{\theta }+A_{z}\mathbf {E} _{z}\\\end{aligned}}} or any other orthogonal coordinates, or even general curvilinear coordinates.
Erityisessä suhteellisuus­teoriassa paikan­luontoinen kantana e1, e2, e3 ja komponentteina A1, A2, A3 käytetään usein karteesista kantaa ja komponentteja: A = ( A t , A x , A y , A z ) = A t e t + A x e x + A y e y + A z e z {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{t},\,A_{x},\,A_{y},\,A_{z})\\&=A_{t}\mathbf {e} _{t}+A_{x}\mathbf {e} _{x}+A_{y}\mathbf {e} _{y}+A_{z}\mathbf {e} _{z}\\\end{aligned}}} vaikka luonnollisesti muitakin kantoja ja koordinaatteja voidaan käyttää, esimerkiksi pallokoordinaatistoa A = ( A t , A r , A θ , A ϕ ) = A t e t + A r e r + A θ e θ + A ϕ e ϕ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{t},\,A_{r},\,A_{\theta },\,A_{\phi })\\&=A_{t}\mathbf {e} _{t}+A_{r}\mathbf {e} _{r}+A_{\theta }\mathbf {e} _{\theta }+A_{\phi }\mathbf {e} _{\phi }\\\end{aligned}}} , sylinterikoordinaatistoa, A = ( A t , A r , A θ , A z ) = A t e t + A r e r + A θ e θ + A z e z {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{t},\,A_{r},\,A_{\theta },\,A_{z})\\&=A_{t}\mathbf {e} _{t}+A_{r}\mathbf {e} _{r}+A_{\theta }\mathbf {e} _{\theta }+A_{z}\mathbf {e} _{z}\\\end{aligned}}} tai mitä tahansa ortogonaalisia tai jopa käyrä­viivaista koordinaatistoa]].
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