Übersetzung für "teacher of mathematics" auf deutsch
My father, before he passed away, was a teacher of Mathematics at Phillips Exeter Academy.
Mein Vater war Mathematiklehrer an der Phillips Exeter Academy.
A teacher of mathematics until three years before, a college graduate in a country where most deemed it enough to be able to read the holy Koran, he'd married young, as was the custom in his land, and fathered two children.
Bis vor drei Jahren war er Mathematiklehrer gewesen, Hochschulabsolvent in einem Land, in dem die meisten es für ausreichend halten, wenn sie den Koran lesen können;
He wore his hair short, seemed always to have a tan, and had cauliflower ears. He looked neither like a youthful devotee of literature nor like a teacher of mathematics, which was also something that Komatsu seemed to like about him.
Er trug die Haare kurz, war stets gebräunt, hatte Blumenkohlohren und sah weder wie ein junger Literat noch wie ein Mathematiklehrer aus. All das schien ganz nach Komatsus Geschmack zu sein.
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