Übersetzung für "sein neues" auf englisch
Seine Ex-Freundinnen. Und seine Neue.
His two former girlfriends. And his new one.
»Sein neues Buch, Letting Go, ist voller…«
His new one, Letting Go, is full of—”
Gegenüber seiner alten Persona hatte er viele negative Gefühle gehegt, für seine neue hegte er nur positive.
He had had many negative feelings about his old persona; he had none at all about his new one.
Aus der Pappel vor dem Fenster seines neuen Einzimmerapartments, das sich im zweiten Stock eines grauen Backsteingebäudes befand, drang gelegentliches Zirpen von Zikaden an sein Ohr.
Occasionally cicadas could be heard chirping on a poplar tree outside the window of his new one-bedroom apartment on the second floor of a gray-brick building.
Er hatte seinen neuen Paß, seine neue Identität.
He had his new passport, his new identity.
Mit seiner neuen Freundin.
With his new girlfriend.
Wo war seine neue Kategorie?
Where was his new category?
Und seinem neuen Lesebuch.
And his new reading book.
Seine neuen Jagdtrophäen.
His new hunting trophies.
Ihn und seine neuen Arme.
Him and his new arms.
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