Übersetzung für "die taten sein" auf englisch
Die taten sein
  • be the deeds
  • be the doing
be the deeds
Die Tat ist nichts.
The deed is nothing.
»Sie schätzen Taten
“They appreciate deeds.”
War das eine gute Tat?
Was that a good deed?
Und das war eine böse Tat.
And that was an evil deed.
Es war eine gute Tat.
It was a good deed.
»Absichten sind keine Taten
“Intentions are not deeds.”
Eine menschliche Tat.
A humanitarian deed.
Aber die Tat war getan.
But the deed was done.
»Was für eine ›Tat‹?«
“What sort of deed?”
Seine Taten sind deine.
His deeds are yours.
be the doing
Doch sie taten und taten es nicht.
But they didn't do it and they didn't do it.
Und was Bose tat, tat er in ihrem Interesse.
And what he was doing, he was doing in their interests.
Man tat, was man sollte, und man tat es gut.
Just doing what you were supposed to do, consistently right.
Was taten sie eigentlich, und warum taten sie es?
So what were they doing and why were they doing it?
An diesem zweiten Wochenende tat ich, was alle taten.
On that second weekend, I was doing what everybody else was doing.
Da tat der Löwe eben, was Löwen nun einmal taten.
The lion would do what lions do.
Das taten sie nicht;
They did not do that;
Das tat doch jeder.
Everyone was doing it.
Und sie täten alles.
And they would do it.
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