Übersetzung für "danach waren" auf englisch
Danach aber war alles wie sonst.
But after that, all bets were off.
Danach waren sie auf sich selbst angewiesen.
After that, they were on their own.
Wenn ihnen danach wäre.
If they were so inclined.
Danach waren sie allein.
After that they were alone.
Danach kamen andere.
The others were a cinch.
Danach waren wir Feinde.
After that we were enemies.
Dies waren die Zeiten danach.
Those were the days to follow.
Also danach haben sie gesucht.
     'So that was what they were looking for.
Ich tastete danach, aber sie waren nicht da.
I groped for them, but they were not there.
Die gab es damals und auch danach.
There were such, then and later.
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